Sunday, March 29, 2015

,, Stay High"

I'm feelin so high!
such a lazy sunday, I'm doin nothing! just watching, eating, watching again... and eating some snacks a.k.a NGEMIL
woah, need to lose some weight! wait not some but all of da fat in my boodie!!

BTW, its a Palm's Sunday.... Happy Sunday guys!! I can't wait for Easter Holiday hahaha...
Have to goin to Church for 4 days, I wish I could make it. 
Missin celebrating easter wif my whole family :( esp. Mama, papa, exel (adek yang nyebelin, tapi kangen juga gua ama loo hahaha, kangen muka jelek lo haha) and ofcourse the only most beautiful Pearl in da familia ANNABELLE!!1
hopefully can go home a.s.a.p

H&M Snapback

H&M T-shirt 

H&M Braceletes

ED-JEH Jogger Pants

Catwalk Shoes

Photo by Gege vanny and Jenette Sihite
Photo at Baltic Sea International Campus"s Dormitory

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