Wednesday, March 25, 2015

,, Suche nach Snacks"

           Today is such a boring day :(..... I'm just sitting in front of my computer and just watching some movies or some videos. how about studying? do I have homework?
Yes, I do have homework but I've finish it already. 
I'm feeling hungry. But when I'm looking at my storage, I dont have any food to eat :'(... awhh so sad... I'm feeling down, I feel like my life will not be any longer, I feel like a a pregnant woman that craving for something to eat...(okay gue merasa makin lebay, feels like its getting over)... So me and Gege (my friend from another Mother who live and eat next to my room) decided to buy some snacks. So we were going to Penny. 
          Penny is one of a small supermarkt..( udah small.... SUPERmarkt lagi.. gua juga bingung kok haaha) like Indomart or Alfamart, but its more bigger and complete! Penny is one of the small supermarkt that has a cheaper price than other (ketawan bingits carinya yang murah meriah, kantong mahasiswa cuy.. udh mau akhir bulan harus NGIRIT). Besides Penny there are also some of the supermarkts that have cheaper prices, E.g; Aldi, Lidl, REWE etc. Well, I choose penny coz its the closest markt from my Hause. 

well, this is some pictures of what Penny looks like..( If you're wondering how it looks like) :

 Well, actually I don't buy a lots. Just a couple of Instantly Lasagna (woops ketawan gak sehat hhhuuh), Milk, Strawberry(bukan punya guahhh/ not mine), Orange Juice ( not mine too) and Bread. It cost not really much, maybe just 3-4 euro (45-60k).

Well, I'm not pretty consern for what I wear today. I'm just goin to be simple!!

 Black NYC Snapback by H&M
Sweater by Lee Cooper
Jogger Pants by ED-JEH
Shoes by H&M 

  Photo by Gege Vanny Alfaputri

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