Monday, April 18, 2016

,, big bunny at the party "

Hellaw peeps!
how y'all doing??? I'm doing great!! well, really great actually.
it's been almost 2 months since the last post.
well I had lots going on lately!
I was moving out from the old apartment to the new one. also had lots of tests.
it was pretty rough, well I gotta say that finding a good and a comfortable apartment is so hard. even tho it's nice and comfy and the price is also reachable but sometimes you can't take that because the owner doesn't want you to.
it happen like 3 times. I had meetings with these 3 apartment owners but all those three rejected me. well thanks God I had more than 3 meetings, one of them want me to stay but the owners seems like she didn't wanna leave the apartment yet until one more month and I couldn't wait that long.
so the last meeting is the best. The apartment  is not so expensive and also quite good. NO it's not just quite good..... it's damn PURRRRFEKT!!!! thanks God.
for you who stayed in Germany and about to move out and looking for some new apartment or place to stay??? you better find it a months before or long before you moved out :)

well enough talking bout moving out.... it's not the main story... well this is the main story!

 About 2 months a go I joined a christianity club for Indonesian students who live in Leipzig. I gotta say at the first meeting it was pretty awkward. Well even tho it was pretty awkward I enjoyed it so much. after 2 times of worship I felt like they're becoming my family...... eaaaaaaaa Sanjay!
it's so good to have nĂ¼ brothers and sisters hihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihi.. apa sih joj.
then not so long before the easter we planned to make a pretty major easter event in Leipzig.
at the meeting they chose me to be the host.... OMAAGAAAAAA!!! me as host??? come on... it's pretty easy...... WHAT EASY??? HELL NO!!! I was so afraid and terrified>>>>> Lebay! coward? ---> me yeah!
the other kids also got their own important role. I am so excited about this event. weeks by weeks are passed goes by then it's getting closed to the big day..... each of them did such a great job... they were so AMAZING!!!!! 1 week before the big day I haven't prepare anything yet to hosting the show. but Kak Nancy said that we have to pray together and let God in into  our heart, body and mind and let the Holy spirit do the Job. but we shouldn't forgot to pray. day by day I pray and ask Him to guide and help me through the Holy spirit to hosting the show. H-1 before the show was the exercise day before the big one I even haven't ready yet.
 The big day is coming.... everyone looked so busy with their own tasks including me hahhaahhaha..... sok sibuk aja sih hahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
then came the time for me to hosting the show..... and you know whattttttttt??????? IT'S SO COOL AND I LIKED IT!!! I enjoyed every single thing..... loved it!!!!!!! thanks God I did it pretty good, i wish.
but yeah....  me LIKEY!

If you guys wanna know more about KKL (Komunitas Kristen Leipzig), you can check it on Instagram @komkrisleipzig ! and if you want to joined us you can also find us on Facebook at Komunitas Kristen Leipzig.

well I wasn't wearing some pretty dresses or heels or what>>>>>>>>>> ye keleus emangnya eyke apaan hahahaha
but I wear these cuties:        *I love the pants by the way!

beanie: - Jacket: H&M Pants: Primark shoes: Adidas superstar original

well I thought it would be so hard to mix this printed pants and it would seems weird on me... 
but hell it's not hahahaha!!!!! love it!

and these are some photo of us cool People :)

 hella... we're cool!

 me, when hosting da show!!! geez so glemmberrr...

special thanks to Paskalis for the amazing photos!

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